Peachey & Mosig

We Went for a Walk

We Went for a Walk

Wild Dog Mountains | Bouddi National Park
October 2020 | March 2021
The premise is straightforward, a group of artists come together and go for a walk with no specific outcome in mind. Overtime the location and make-up of the artists may change but the basic premise is the same.
The premise is straightforward, a group of artists come together and go for a walk with no specific outcome in mind. Overtime the location and make-up of the artists may change but the basic premise is the same.
We Went for a Walk
We went for a walk Paul Mosig, Freedom Wilson, Emma Rooney, Rachel Peachey, Sascha Mosig

We went for a walk I

The first walk was in the Wild Dog Mountains and was undertaken by Rachel Peachey & Paul Mosig, their son Sascha, Emma Rooney and Freedom Wilson.

Taking place as it did in a time of social isolation the documentation of the experience was presented online. There are individual works along with the artist statements and a shared artwork that Peachey & Mosig developed to be be experienced as a browser based internet work.

As this walk was the first in a series of such experiences, it was marked by the unformed nature of it’s purpose, the fact that the participants did not know each other very well and as such didn’t have a clear idea of how to work together.  The works resulting from the experience have a loose and inquiring nature as if searching for a shared methodology that might reveal itself in the future.

You can view the work here.

Field Studies Maitland Bay - Peachey & Mosig, Kevina Jo Smith
Field Studies Maitland Bay - Peachey & Mosig, Kevina Jo Smith

We went for a walk II

The second walk was in Boudi National Park and was undertaken by Rachel Peachey & Paul Mosig, their son Sascha, Emma Rooney, Kevina Jo Smith, Michael Petchkovsky, WeiZen Ho & her son Zvi.

Field Studies Maitland Bay - Peachey & Mosig, Kevina Jo Smith
Field Studies Maitland Bay - Peachey & Mosig, Kevina Jo Smith